AFBF weighs in on WOTUS roundtable discussions; want serious changes made to proposed rule

The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers have started a series of roundtables on the Waters of the U.S. Rule.

For a long time, farmers and ranchers have been waiting for the new rule and hope for a clear definition under the Clean Water Act.

American Farm Bureau’s Courtney Briggs spoke with RFD-TV’s own Janet Adkison about what is up for discussion at the meetings, where we currently stand on WOTUS and what her hopes are moving forward.

For more information, click HERE.


A Lasting Definition: NCBA weighs in on WOTUS roundtable discussions

NASDA CEO on the confusion caused by WOTUS rule back and forth

The Cattle Industry is Closely Watching WOTUS Debate


U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the USDA will help dairy producers dealing with High-Path Avian Flu (HPAI) H5N1 outbreaks in their herds.