Rabobank predicts global pork trade to pick up soon

Global pork trade should be picking up soon.

The latest Rabobank Quarterly Pork Report shows the easing of feed costs and continuing consumer demand improving the market. That improvement will be led by China, which continues to stockpile pork as COVID restrictions are let down and prices increase.

Challenges including African Swine Fever and inflation are still present though and will impact trade policies.


The pork industry has a huge contribution to jobs and the economy

Analyst: look south for growth in U.S. pork exports

The world wants U.S. pork!


So far, Black Cutworm Moths have been trapped in Wisconsin and Illinois. The invasive pest larvae can cause crop damage if the eggs are not destroyed before they hatch.
National Sorghum Producers Executive Director Greg Ruehle says there’s a discrepancy between sorghum producer’s reports of this year’s crop and the USDA’s forecast.