Tags from multiple hunting dogs found in 12-foot alligator’s stomach


On Thursday, an alligator was brought into a wild game meat plant in South Carolina. Upon further inspection, the butcher shop discovered the undigested tags from five hunting dogs.

The 12-foot long and almost 450-pound beast was harvested in the Edisto River by Ned McNeely.

“It definitely ate them [the dogs]. It was an old animal, 50 to 70 years old,” the butcher shop’s co-owner, Claudia Cordray, stated, according to Myrtle Beach Online.

She went on to say, “It doesn’t surprise me at all. Where we live, lots of people have stories about walking their dogs on a golf course or where ever, and something grabs the dog.”

They ended up calling a number on one of the tags. The owner confirmed that he use to hunt that area and that those were his hunting dogs.

A bullet jacket, a spark plug, several bobcat claws, and a bunch of turtle shells were also found.

Story via Mark Price with Myrtle Beach Online.