September 7, 2017
Known as “The World Series of Barbecue,” The American Royal celebrated its 38th year this past Labor Day weekend. Each year, teams descend upon Kansas City to submit their entries for a shot at awards and prizes in excess of $100,000 – and perhaps even more coveted are the bragging rights for winning, which are enormous.
This year, 430 teams from across the U.S., and including 11 international teams, participated. Some teams have been a part of the competition for almost 35 years.
Opportunities to compete range from The Invitational, which is open only to teams which have previously won a Grand Championship, to the Open Competition, which includes all the proteins, and ancillary categories which cover turkey, sausage, and side dishes.
This year’s winners included the 2017 Grand Champion Team, “Porky Butts BBQ,” the Reserve Grand Champions, “Redneck Scientific,” and the Second Runner-Up Team, “Gettin’ Sauced.”
For more information about the event, visit: