
The Ukraine Report: Some farmers have to switch farming philosophy due to EU requirements

Ukraine implements the requirements of the European Union in the agricultural sector. In particular, the Green Course. Therefore, Ukrainian farmers will have to change many things in their production. But farmer Hryhoriy Golovany, who has been cultivating land in the Kyiv region for 25 years, does not need big changes. He changed his farming philosophy a long time ago, he introduces ecological systems in the cultivation of crops.

Latifundist Media has partnered with us to provide boots-on-the-ground coverage.

“In the early 2000s, there was a land reform in Ukraine. The peasants left the collective farms, took their plots of land and engaged in agriculture. But in 2001-2003 there were difficult weather conditions. And most of the beginning farmers suffered great financial losses. I had the same situation. So I started thinking about how to change it. And since 2005, he has completely switched to no-till soil cultivation.”

As Hryhoriy Golovan says, only 5-7 centimeters of the top layer of soil is cultivated in his fields. But his system includes not only this technique. He thoroughly studies sidereal systems. Conducts experiments with various mycorrhizal fungi, biological preparations based on auxins and gibberellins. Minimizes the introduction of chemical fertilizers. And carefully calculates economic indicators.

In 2022, Mr. Grigory’s son went to defend the Motherland. Therefore, unfortunately, the farmer had to give up the land leased from local peasants, because he could not cope with 100 hectares on his own

Now Hryhoriy cultivates his own field of 16 hectares. Grows only soybeans. He showed us his field and explained how his system works. Rye was the predecessor here - as a cover crop

“If these soybeans yield 30 bushels per acre, I will still be in the profit. Because there were minimal costs here - only one tillage, seeding and applied only 2 and a half thousand bushels per acre of organic fertilizer. Such fertilizer is the remains of cover rye. This is it. And in order for it to decompose well, I introduced special bacteria here 2 more times.”

2024 has become very dry in Ukraine. In the area where Hryhoriy Golovan’s field is located, at the time of filming, the temperature had been above 90 degrees Fahrenheit for several weeks and there had been almost no rain for 2 months.

But thanks to the whole complex of agrotechnical measures applied by the farmer, only a small upper layer of the soil turned out to be parched. Therefore, he hopes to get a better harvest than some of his neighbors who work with traditional methods.

That report was powered by Latifundist Media, with USAID support provided through Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities (AGRO) Activity implemented in Ukraine by Chemonics International. For more information, visit their website or follow them on social media.