Trump and Biden on bridging the digital divide

We begin with a closer look at how the presidential candidates plan to help towns across rural America. This morning, the Farm Bureau released its much anticipated “Presidential Candidate Questionnaire.”

The American Farm Bureau asked both presidential candidates a series of 12 questions. With 19 percent of Americans living in rural communities, rural lifestyle and rural health were major categories. Both candidates focused on bridging the rural digital divide and expanding broadband access.

According to President Trump, “The Trump-Pence Administration has made it a goal to gain access for the 18 million Americans that do not have access to high speed internet and worked to provide more funding through the FCC and USDA’s ReConnect Program to address this key issue.”

Joe Biden’s answer was focused on broadband, but also rural healthcare. He claims that he will put $20 billion dollars toward broadband infrastructure, protect the Affordable Care Act, expand Medicaid coverage, as well as increase funding and flexibility for rural hospitals. All of these investments would be funded by rolling back the Trump Administration’s tax cuts.

For the full questionnaire click HERE.

Presidential Candidates address the future of farm policy programs.

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