U.S. removes Canadian aluminum tariffs

In a surprise move, the U.S. will remove the 10 percent tariffs on Canadian aluminum.

Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer says that is the case as long as Canadian imports of raw aluminum do not exceed a new set of import quota thresholds.

However, Canada is wary of the quotas and worry they could trigger another round of retaliatory tariffs next year. Canada’s Minister of International Trade says that she will respond quickly if the U.S. reimposes unwarranted tariffs.

According to Mary Ng, “Should the tariffs return, then we will respond with retaliatory countermeasures... We’re really clear, we reserve the right to impose retaliatory countermeasures should tariffs be put on Canadian aluminum.”

Industry analysts say that the new monthly quotas fall well below normal volumes and could restart a new round of uncertainty next year, depending on the results of the presidential election.