Updates from the field on spring planting: North Carolina

Many producers have already hit the field for spring planting. As progress continues, we are bringing you updates from across the country.

North Carolina Farm Bureau’s Jay Boyette speaks with RFD-TV’s own Janet Adkison on planting progress in his region, current conditions, and any future hurdles that may exist.

“Planting progress is going really well in North Carolina. We’ve had a good season so far for planting, and a lot of crops are in the ground from a corn standpoint, and then for crops that require seedbed preparation, a lot of that fieldwork is going really well at this point,” Boyette states.


Updates from the field on spring planting: Missouri

Updates from the field on spring planting: Kentucky

Updates from the field on spring planting: Tennessee

Updates from the field on spring planting: Kansas

Updates from the field on spring planting: Michigan