USDA is gearing up for its annual Ag Outlook Forum later this month, and it will highlight some issues that haven’t gotten a lot of attention in the past.
The virtual meeting is the Department’s largest annual event, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from across the ag sector. This year’s theme is “New Paths to Sustainability and Productivity Growth.” With it being virtual, it will provide participants the chance to dip into topics that might have previously been overlooked.
“There’s one here that I thought was really fascinating on heir’s property. For instance, not something I deal with everyday, but get in there everyday and understand the issue, who it affects and how USDA engages in it.”
“Heirs Property” is when a landowner passes away without having a will in place. That leaves surviving family members no proof of ownership, which makes it hard to get funding. A panel will discuss the topic in-depth. You can learn more about the event here.
Protecting Heirs Property Rights
Leap Coalition works to protect farmers from heir’s property