June 12, 2017
Young people in Scott County, Tennessee recently took part in a “National Day of Service” for 4-H in their community. 4-H leaders hope this lesson in civic responsibility will encourage a lifetime of giving back.
Scott County 4-Hers put together more than 100 wooden benches that will go in nursing homes, parks and on school grounds. Each bench takes about a half hour to make, but Will King says it’s still important to put in the time. Whether it was creating something new or helping the environment, it was a full day of service for the 4-Hers.
Tennessee’s State 4-H headquarters provided grant money for the Scott County group to buy materials to make the benches. They also kept the money in their area, purchasing building supplies from local merchants.
Check out the video above to hear about these young 4-Hers’ day of service.