Voice your opinion to EPA over changes to atrazine


Nebraska Corn is asking farmers across the Midwest to submit comments to the EPA about a proposed change to atrazine.

Nebraska Corn Growers Association Chairman, Andy Jobman told Brownfield Ag News, “If this proposal would go through, it would really throw a wrench in our ability to use modern-day herbicides to control weeds. We’d probably be looking at more tillage that would need to be done, which hampers our conservation and sustainability efforts.”

In June, the EPA proposed a rule that would lower the level of concern to 3.4 parts per billion. Growers are concerned the proposed change would hinder their abilities to control weeds using herbicides.

You can submit your comments HERE.


Atrazine Arguments: EPA to convene Scientific Advisory Panel to review its risks

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Story via Kellan Heavican with Brownfield Ag News