What trends are driving 2023 Farm Bill decisions?

The Farm Foundation recently held a forum over the upcoming Farm Bill.

Farm Bill discussions are gearing up all across the country in preparation for the 2023 legislation.

The Farm Foundation held a forum this week about what to expect in the bill and the potential of it being deemed “revolutionary.” One of the panelists was a former Staff Director for the Senate Ag Committee. He shared some trends that impact Farm Bill discussions.

“First and foremost, obviously are world markets, commodities, commodity prices, and where those are going and how are those prices impacting farmers at home. That’s usually one of the first things we think about when we think about any major driver of Farm Bills,” said Chris Adamo.

Some of the other drivers of the legislation over the past decade, according to the group, include consumer awareness, drought, food system inclusion, and climate change mitigation.

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