USDA’s Perspective Plantings Report will be released in a few days, and to better connect with the public, officials are trying something new.
The agency will host “Stat Chat” on Twitter about an hour after big reports. Farmers can tweet their questions to the experts and get answers about that report. Twitter is limited by how much you can type at one time; however, USDA will add audio to allow more thorough questions and answers.
“It’s just another way to interact. It also takes off some of the restrictions we have with a 280-character limit. Sometimes that can be a little bit challenging, especially as you get a little bit technical. From that perspective, I think it’s nice to be able to step into this different way of doing it but also I think it’s just another way level of connection that we can have directly with users out there,” said Lance Honig, USDA-NASS Crops Branch Chief.
To join the conversation, check out the NASS Twitter account or follow @lancehonig.