You have heard of Shakespeare in the Park, but what about “Bovine in the Park”?

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Photo pulled from Louisville Metro Police’s Facebook Page

Parks are great for a nice walk, picnics, family fun, and social gatherings. But what about a cattle drive?

Friday morning a herd of cattle found their way into Louisville, Kentucky’s Cherokee Park.
The cattle had broken out following a truck crash. The truck driver was transferring them into another truck when a few made a break for it.

A member of WDRB’s team, Rick Bozich, stated, “It was 10 o’clock, and my dog and I were talking up the hill toward Dog Hill. I looked up and there were ten cows walking toward me. I couldn’t believe it.”

Once the local Metro police arrived, the herd sprinted towards the woods and ended up on a neighboring golf course.

All but four were captured just after 1 PM.