Great optimism around U.S. beef exports moving forward

Beef industry leaders are optimistic U.S. exports will be strong for the rest of the year and moving forward.

Asian markets saw tremendous growth recently and it is the second year with $8 billion dollars in beef sales, despite trade barriers. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Kent Bacus tells the Oklahoma Farm Report that the trade agreement with Japan has been beneficial to the industry.

“That’s a $2 billion dollar market for us, and we think that’s going to continue to grow, because now you have high quality U.S. beef that is on the same level playing field with a lot of other countries, where the quality is not nearly as good as ours,” he said. “The U.S. is the only country in the world that can consistently provide high quality beef all year.”

He goes on to note that South Korea’s market is also strong and trade deals have removed barriers there as well.