6 long-lasting produce items to stock up on


Whether you’re stuck at home, have a long trip to the grocery store, or just like to be prepared, you know that fresh produce never lasts as long as you want it to. For those times that pulling something out of the garden isn’t an option, it’s worth having a stockpile of fruit and vegetables that can keep between those trips out. These 6 staples are worth picking up next time you make that trip out to the store.


They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and we hope that’s true! This hearty fruit is a great one to stock up on since they keep in the fridge for up to 6 weeks (and sometimes longer!). Plus, if you make some homemade applesauce you can substitute that in place of other ingredients in some baked goods. A quarter cup of unsweetened applesauce can be used in place of one egg in most recipes!


There have been many health claims attached to beets over the years but one thing is certain; they are delicious. Fresh beets last about 2 weeks in the fridge after you trim the greens. Roast or boil with the skin on then peel once cooled. They make a great salad paired with some honey and the leftover baking nuts in the back of your pantry.


Don’t underestimate this leafy green. High in Vitamin C, this vegetable can last up to 2 months if properly stored in the fridge. Its versatile uses include using leaves as wraps for an assortment of fillings, shredded and sauteed with butter or bacon, or as a side of coleslaw. Just don’t overcook it; that’s how you end up with its infamous strong scent!


The shelf-life of raw unpeeled carrots is about 4-5 weeks if stored in the fridge. If you pull them out and find that white dotted pattern on the cut side, don’t panic! Your carrot hasn’t gone bad yet, but it is dehydrated. You can still use them as normal, or blanch and freeze them to keep even longer.

“Living” Lettuce

Lettuce seems like an odd choice to grab for a long haul stock up but as anyone who knows a thing or two about plants can tell you... the secret is in the roots. As long as those stay attached and moist, a head of living lettuce can stay fresh for about 18 days. If you have a spare bit of soil, you can even replant the lettuce as long as you leave the roots and core leaves intact.


When it comes to storing long-term, potatoes are a no-brainer. The secret to their longevity comes down to the storage methods. Keep your spuds in a cool dark location; cooler than room temperature but warmer than the fridge. Don’t keep them near the onions or both will spoil quicker due to the moisture content of each. Store your potatoes in a basket or loose bag and they can keep for 2-3 months.

What are some of the produce items you’re stocking up on? Let us know on our Facebook page!