“C is for Care” captures producer moments of care from A to Z

Happy National Dairy Month!

A new book is helping young readers learn the alphabet while exploring the bond that dairy farms and ranches share with their cattle!

Children’s book author, Amanda Radke joins RFD-TV’s own Suzanne Alexander to talk about the book release and why she advocates for agriculture through children’s books.

For more info click HERE.


A Book of Beans for Ag Literacy Week

Kids & Clays: Tennessee is targeting sports for ag in the classroom

Kids learn how to be cowboys & cowgirls at PRCA’s “Rodeo Camp”


More than 80 dairy herds have been infected with the virus across 11 states since late March.
As hog prices face potential decline, pork producers are dealing with a surge in litter rates, complicating efforts to control production.
In February, farmers experienced a slight increase in prices, though it fell short of surpassing last year’s numbers.
According to a new USDA-ERS report, technological advancements in agriculture led to significant output increases while reducing input usage for producers.
The prospect of reintroducing grizzly bears in Washington’s North Cascades has ignited a contentious debate, pitting conservation efforts against the concerns of local farmers and ranchers.
As peach trees bloom ahead of schedule and unpredictable weather patterns loom, farmers across the nation find themselves grappling with the precarious risks posed to their fruit crops.