Dairy farmers describe this year as a ‘roller coaster’

As the year comes to a close, dairy farmers are taking time to reflect on the industry and best describe it as a roller coaster.

Dan Glessing tells Brownfield Ag News the year went from good to not-so-good and then shifted again. He says milk prices have been around break-even over the last six months, and he says it will be challenging for the foreseeable future. However, one bit of good news came just days ago when the House passed the Whole Milk For Healthy Kids Act. While the bill still has a ways to go, the National Milk Producers Federation says now is the time to let your Senators know where you stand on the bill.

“Email, call, write your Senator asking them to support the Whole Milk For Healthy Kids Act, hoping for them to advance either their version or the House-approved version. Another way someone can become an advocate for whole milk would be to become involved in the dietary guidelines updating process, which is in the works right now online. You would go to this website and then search for the 2025 dietary guidelines where you can be an advocate for whole milk,” said Claudia Larson.

While the bill is now in the Senate’s hands, Senator Debbie Stabenow warns it sets an unfortunate precedent and that it departs from nutritional science when it comes to school food standards.

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Farm Traveler is for people who want to connect with their food and those who grow it. Thanks to direct-to-consumer businesses, agritourism, and social media, it’s now easier than ever to learn how our food is made and support local farmers. Here on the Farm Traveler, we want to connect you with businesses offering direct-to-consumer products you can try at home, agritourism sites you can visit with your family, and exciting new technologies that are changing how your food is being grown.
Featuring members of Congress, federal and state officials, ag and food leaders, farmers, and roundtable panelists for debates and discussions.
Host Ben Bailey hops in the tractor cab, giving farmers 10 minutes to answer as many questions and grab as much cash as they can for their local FFA chapter.