Gov. Huckabee Sanders explains Arkansas’ plan to reduce Chinese-owned Syngenta’s land ownership in the state

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke with RFD-TV’s own Susan Alexander this Monday morning on the Market Day Report to explain Arkansas’s recently passed giving lawmakers greater authority to sanction foreign ag-land ownership within the state.

The foreign ownership of agricultural land in the United States is a growing concern for many involved with the industry -- including U.S. farm groups and lawmakers.

Arkansas recently ordered the Chinese-owned seed company Syngenta to sell 160 acres of farmland in the state within the next two years.

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke with RFD-TV’s own Susan Alexander this Monday morning on the Market Day Report to explain Arkansas’s recently passed giving lawmakers greater authority to sanction foreign ag-land ownership within the state.

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Marion is a digital content manager for RFD-TV and The Cowboy Channel. She started working for Rural Media Group in May 2022, bringing a decade of experience in the digital side of broadcast media as well as some professional cooking experience to the team.