We have been talking about the supply chain challenges for more than a year, and today we are getting a look at how some companies are adjusting.
The grain industry is taking matters into its own hands, through technological advances. CHS Inc. leverages barges along the Mississippi to carry grain all the way down to Louisiana and onto the global market.
It is now using a fully automated grain elevator in Minnesota. New sensors collect data on barges which helps the company make decisions about sourcing products elsewhere, to make sure shipments arrive at their destination on time.
“We put sensors in those barges so that way we can monitor one location, the weather that is happening at that location when it’s going down river, the humidity inside, and everything along the whole supply chain... We’ll actually be able to one, hopefully, pay producers faster because that is an automated process that can go directly into our systems and we can be paying producers faster, and then also open and meet all kinds of demands our customers have,” CHS’s Riley Buss explains.
CHS says that the development of that autonomous grain elevator in Minnesota can expedite processes, like grain moisture and damage to termination.
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