Monday, May 25, 2020
7:30 PM ET | 6:30 PM CT | 5:30 PM MT | 4:30 PM PT
11:30 PM ET | 10:30 PM CT | 9:30 PM MT | 8:30 PM PT
Kentucky Farm Bureau Studios and the Kentucky FFA partner to create a one of a kind story, I Believe | Kentucky FFA.
Follow the FFA journey of 3 students from diverse backgrounds as they explore agriculture. In this 25 minute documentary, students share the unique way FFA contributes to premier leadership, personal growth, and career success, all while making lifelong memories.
Since 1930, Kentucky FFA has partnered with industry, government, and education leaders to develop the future of agriculture. Founded at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, the organization has grown to
More than 14,000 members who participate in classroom instruction, extracurricular activities, and leadership building programming.