NCGA: Mexico’s ban on genetically modified corn hurts farmers and consumers

Mexico is still planning to ban all imports of genetically modified corn and concerns from U.S. farmers continue to grow.

Angus Kelly, Director of Trade and Biotechnology at the National Corn Growers Association, says thus far, discussions between U.S. and Mexican authorities to drop the planned ban has not helped and it has only created a lose-lose scenario.

“They haven’t found a workable solution, and they’re pretty dug in, so we’re saying, ‘Alright, Biden Administration, y’all been good on a lot of things, but you’ve got to update USMCA, United States Mexico Canada Agreement, that has provisions on biotechnology and how it is approved and regulated’... so many of these things involving anti-GMO activism, the poorest get hit the hardest, so the most vulnerable in Mexico are the ones who would suffer the most. So, we just don’t see how that’s in the best interest of Mexico’s own population.”

He adds that while the ban is not good for the food insecure it also is not good for the immigration crisis at the border.

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