OPINION: More layoffs. A cooling housing market. What will it take for the administration to change strategy?

The White House says a recession can’t be defined solely by two consecutive quarters of negative growth.

Cow Guy Close host Scott Shellady says it is the standard definition economists have always used, and this signals the administration will not change course. He invited Mitch Roschelle, founding partner of Macro Trends Advisors, and Dan Geltrude, America’s Accountant, to weigh in on red hot inflation, a chilling housing market, and increasing workforce layoffs.


Scott Shellady talks about the ever-evolving definition of “recession”

Global recession fears amplify as commodity prices fall

U.S. economy shrank 0.9 percent last quarter, but the White House


RanchHer celebrated the invaluable contributions women leading the beef industry at their panel, “Your Path to Becoming a RanchHer,” Friday at NCBA CattleCon.
The department released a new forecast for grocery store prices for 2023.
The United States is taking the next step in the process by establishing a dispute settlement panel.