Signs of drought in day two of Pro Farmer Crop Tour

Corn field

Scouts found themselves in the middle of an extreme heatwave in day two of the Pro Farmer crop tour, and that heat is being seen in crops in Nebraska.

On the western leg of the tour, scouts reported the state’s extreme drought conditions were apparent in corn. Even still, the region is likely to see a higher yield than in 2022 because of irrigation. Yield estimates in Nebraska are pegged at 167.22 bpa, 5.5% higher than last year. Soybeans are pegged at 1,160.02 pods per 3x3 square, up 9% from last year.

On the eastern leg, scouts saw a mixed bag for corn in Indiana. Corn is estimated at 180.89 pba, up 1.7% from a year ago. But some scouts say bushel counts could change in the coming weeks due to the threat of tar spot. Beans are estimated 12.4% higher.

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