Ag groups sue Washington state over COVID restrictions

Ag groups have filed a lawsuit in Washington state over COVID restrictions that have not been revised since the pandemic was declared.

The Washington Farm Bureau and Washington Farm Labor Association says that the emergency regulations were meant to protect farmworkers, but as the situation has eased, the restrictions have not. That includes the housing rule, which was cut in half, and healthcare requirements, which the groups say are unreasonable.

“Twice a day medical visits, you’ve got to be within 20 minutes of medical services with advanced life support, and you have to have access to emergency medical services within 20 minutes, and you have to have one hour max to an emergency room visit,” WAFB’s CEO John Stuhlmiller states.

He says that ag has had zero say in the matter. Roughly 25,000 guest workers will go to Washington state this year to prepare and harvest Washington crops.