3 things to look for on RFD-TV news next week

Take a look at some of the headlines making news on the Market Day Report and Rural Evening News on RFD-TV.

1.World Supply and Demand Report released Monday

“What goes on elsewhere in the world has a dramatic impact here,” said United States Department of Agriculture Outlook Board Chairman Gerry Bange, about today’s agriculture environment.

The rest of the world is probably going to be the main focus in Monday’s USDA World Supply and Demand report, Bange said.

In mid-winter, there won’t be a lot of news for the U.S., but farmers in the Southern Hemisphere are right in the middle of the growing season.

“We’re looking at that area of the world in terms of what the competition is likely to offer there in terms of their crop production, their trade. Argentina right now is having some issues with regard to inflation and its currency. All these things bear upon the U.S. export outlook,” said Bange.

It will bear on the price and stocks outlook for U.S. farmers.

That report will once again have a new forecast for U.S. crop demand, including exports, stocks and prices.

It will be released at noon EST.

This report is from our partners as the USDA.

2. Wind Symposium this week

One of the top states in wind energy will host a one-day seminar this week.

Nebraska is ranked fourth in the nation in wind energy, according to the American Wind Energy Association.

It’s where a Wind Energy Symposium, sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, is scheduled for Feb. 12 in North Platte.

Organizers have planned presentations ranging from implications for wildlife, to where to put a wind energy farm.

Presenters include representatives from the Wildlife Management Institute, Nebraska Public Power District, and Nebraska Game and Parks.

The public is also invited.

You can register online.

3.2012 Ag Census to be released this month

The United States Department of Agriculture is getting ready for the release of the 2012 Census of Agriculture later this month.

National Agricultural Statistics Service Research and Development Division Director Dr. Linda Young said an overwhelming number of people responded to the questionnaire, but it still wasn’t 100 percent.

“Today, the Census is the only comprehensive source of statistics on American agriculture that provides information by county,” Young wrote in a USDA blog.

Young explained how the agency provides summary estimates based on the data to provided and said part of the reason the agency calls its data estimates is based on the Congressional definition of a farm.

Secretary Tom Vilsack will present the Census of Agriculture preliminary results at the Agricultural Outlook Forum on Feb. 20.

Watch The Market Day Report Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST and The Rural Evening News Monday through Friday at 7:30 p.m. ET.

3 things to look for on RFD-TV news next week