5 things to know from RFD-TV news this week

Take a look back at some of the top headlines from the previous week.

1. Farm bill compromise reached, passes House

It came Monday evening -- word from lawmakers a deal had been reached on the farm bill.

House and Senate agriculture leaders called the compromise sound policy that would improve crop insurance programs, create jobs, strengthen conservation and address fraud and misuse of the SNAP program – all while reducing the deficit.

Just two days later, the House passed the bill with a vote of 251-166.

Now, it’s up to the Senate to pass the bill, sending it to the president’s desk to sign it into law.

Supporters, critics sound off on farm bill

While many organizations spoke out in favor of the farm bill compromise, not everyone was happy with the bill.

The American Farm Bureau Federation, American Soybean Association, National Association of Wheat Growers, and National Sorghum Producers were just a few of the agriculture industry groups to come out in support of the compromise.

But the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association said there were reason’s to be disappointed.

“Well, we’re very disappointed in some of our Senate Ag Committee leaders and we tried very, very hard to reach a compromise on the mandatory COOL [country-of-origin labeling] fix and also on a permanent fix on the GIPSA rule. Both rules, which have been really erroneous and very costly to our producers and to the beef industry and the livestock industry in general across the country,” said Bob McCan, president-elect of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

The Senate is the next step for the bill.

States respond to propane shortage

A shortage of propane across the Midwest is hiking up costs, prompting some states to declare a state of emergency.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, along with state and national propane officials, responded with state dollars to help propane distributors and customers meet needs.

Walker declared a state of emergency due to the propane shortage. Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton did the same for his state.

In Georgia, the governor issued an order prohibiting price gouging.

The National Propane Gas Association said last week the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a regional order allowing transporters to move propane more freely.

Champion steer wrestler Scott “Ote” Berry to compete

“Trying to beat the kids,” said 4-time World Champion Scott “Ote” Berry on accepting an exemption invitation to compete at RFD-TV’s The American, presented by Polaris Ranger.

Berry, a Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame inductee, will participate in steer wrestling this March.

“It means a great deal to me to get to come back and compete. Hopefully, my name will lend something to this. I would have loved to had this, something like this going on back in my prime. I’d of loved to have some 50-year-old man come try to beat me, but that’s what I’m going to be doing, trying to beat the kids,” Berry said.

He joins 11-time Barrel Racing Champion Charmayne James, 2-time PBR World Champion Justin McBride and 7-time World Champion saddle-bronc rider Dan Mortensen.

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5 things to know from RFD-TV news this week