98-year-old Girl Scout still sells cookies


A 98-year-old woman in Pennsylvania has now been selling Girl Scout cookies for almost 90 years.

Ronnie Backenstoe first sold the cookies back in 1932, when she was 10-years-old and in her first year as a Girl Scout. Back them, the cookies costed just 15 cents and there were only three different kinds.

“I became a Girl Scout in 1932!” Ronnie told WMFZ-TV. “I said, ‘When can I be a Girl Scout?’ My mom said, ‘When you’re 10.’ So when I was 10, I was ready to go!”

This year, some members of a local Girl Scout Troop joined her for a sale at Phoebe Berks Retirement Community.

Ronnie stays connected to the Girl Scouts because to her, that’s what life is all about.

“I think that it was just part of living. That’s really what Girl Scouting is, it teaches you how to live,” Ronnie said.