A Different Approach: Thoughts from the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture over the European protests

Protests continue across Europe due to proposed environmental regulations.

The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture says here in the states, we have similar sustainable agriculture programs, but we approach the farmer differently.

“Number one, you gotta make it voluntary. Number two, there need to be incentives involved because it’s tough enough without financial incentives. Number three, there needs to be market incentives because we need to know that if we do all this, the market rewards us and recognizes that and you need to make sure there’s adequate management and document reporting so that people that are doing this honestly are rewarded and those who aren’t are not and that’s exactly what we’ve set up.”
Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary Vilsack says the problem in Europe is farmers are being forced to make acreage and operation changes and that’s what has led to the demonstrations.


National Sorghum Producers Executive Director Greg Ruehle says there’s a discrepancy between sorghum producer’s reports of this year’s crop and the USDA’s forecast.
Upcoming changes to the EPA’s pesticide labeling system aim to avoid blanket use restrictions that impact all farmers and increase safety for endangered species.
Since the break out of the Russian-Ukraine War, many European Union and partner countries have placed sanctions on Russia.
A beef specialist with the Iowa State University Extension recommends producers develop a pasture “to-do list” to keep their lands thriving despite challenging conditions.