Agriculture is included in the second group to receive COVID vaccine

There is now another vaccine in distribution.

Over the weekend, the Moderna vaccine went out to hospitals across the country. The FDA gave formal “emergency use authorization” to the vaccine Friday night.

This one does not require the ultra-cold storage and will likely end up in rural clinics without the means of Pfizer’s vaccine.

In the last week, more than half a million healthcare workers have been immunized. We have been asking the question, “Who is next?” Now we know, following the vote of a federal advisory panel.

They have recommended people over the age of 75 and essential workers be next. Those essential workers include the food, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors.

Grocery store workers, firefighters and police, along with teachers and schools staff are included.

There will not be enough doses for the general population until Spring, so these rations are likely to continue until then.


Congress is set to vote on a new COVID bill

Rural America and the COVID-19 vaccine