Bills Advancing: Florida’s ban on cultivated meat could lead to misdemeanor charges

Florida’s bill to ban cultivated meat continues to make its way through the state legislature with a “yes” from the Senate.
If fully passed, manufacturing, selling, and delivering cultivated meat for human consumption would be classified as second-degree misdemeanors.

Now, the bill moves on to the full state House, if it makes it through that step it will likely become law as Governor Ron DeSantis has been a vocal supporter of the ban.

Originally, the bill also prohibited research into fake meat, but that portion was scrapped with NASA scientists needing to explore it.

Researchers in Germany are studying the safety of plant-based meat alternatives.
The study, published in The Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, showed:

  • Bacterial counts varied widely
  • The median count was generally very low, and was more often found to cause food spoilage and less illness
  • The biggest concern, spore-forming bacteria from additives that survived heat processing
  • Scientists say that they plan to research this further

Samples were gathered from German retail shops and came from a variety of inputs including soy, pea, and wheat.