Cattle group to form task force related to mRNA vaccines

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The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association is responding to a bill in Missouri that is getting a lot of national attention.

Missouri House Bill 1169 would regulate products sold, distributed, or administered to a person that are designed to alter their genome. It attempts to implement a regulatory framework for labeling products that could act as “gene therapy” or potentially impact, alter, or introduce genetic material or a genetic change in the user.

The bill came about because of concerns that mRNA vaccines are being introduced into the nation’s cattle supply.

“The USCA strongly supports truth in labeling on consumer goods and full transparency throughout the supply chain,” the group said. “Currently, there are no mRNA vaccines licensed for beef cattle in the U.S.”

The USCA said it will form a task force to develop a fact and science-based assessment of the issue.

Similar legislation is being introduced in Tennessee, Arizona, and other states.

Story via U.S. Cattlemen’s Association

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