Courting the Rural Vote

Early voting is already underway in some states and the presidential candidates are pushing hard for the rural vote.

The presidential candidates take two different approaches to rural issues while on the campaign trail Thursday night. At a large rally in Jacksonville, Florida, President Donald Trump touted aid for farmers.

The President states, “The great state of Iowa where I made ethanol possible for them... I gave our farmers $28 billion dollars-- thank you very much China. We took it out of China because they were targeting Iowa, Nebraska, a lot of our great states, Wisconsin. We gave our farmers a lot of money. Some of it came down to farmers down in Florida...”

Meanwhile, the Democratic campaign called a lid on public appearances at 9:20 A.M. California Congressman Jim Costa spoke on behalf of Joe Biden during a virtual training call for volunteers about the importance of rural issues.

According to Costa, “We’ve had to close restaurants and schools and that’s turned America’s complex food supply chain upside down, and that’s hurt rural America. Because, where does our food come from? It comes from the bread baskets and regional areas all throughout the country, that’s where we put food on America’s dinner table every night.”

Broadband access is another key component of Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan for rural America.

Costa notes, “We know now as a result of this pandemic that broadband is incredibly needed, and where do we have a significant lack of access to broadband--in rural America.”

Republicans have been critical of the Biden campaign for a light public event schedule, but the Biden campaign says that the limited exposure is to keep the candidate and the public safe during the pandemic.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden discusses rural issues during virtual round table.

National Corn Growers Association releases fact sheets on Trump and Biden.