The saying, “April showers bring May flowers” could miss the target this year. As we head into next month, drought concerns are progressing, especially on the cattle markets.
The latest drought monitor shows that 43 percent of the U.S. is in some type of drought, and only 35 percent is drought free. This time a year ago, more than 76 percent of the country was drought free.
Darrell Peel with Oklahoma State says that cattle producers will need to modify their pasture and water management. They should also consider increasing supplemental feeding, and even relocating herds.
A severe drought, could greatly affect market values resulting in lower cattle prices and higher feed costs.
Right now, a drought is forecast to redevelop to the Central Plains, with North and South Dakota and Texas at greatest risk.
Drought concerns continue to linger
Forecast for spring: nasty drought worsens for much of U.S.
CAFB on the state’s drought concerns