Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden discusses rural issues during virtual roundtable

Former Vice President and current Democratic nominee for President Joe Biden discussed rural issues during a virtual roundtable. He placed mental health, broadband, and economic recovery at the forefront of his discussion.

As the November Presidential Election quickly approaching, Biden laid out some of his his plan for rural America.

Closing the digital divide is one priority.

“I’ve been pushing this for a while,a $20 billion dollar expansion in broadband across rural areas so every child has a change to thrive, every business has a chance to compete,” he said.

Recovering from COVID-19 will also be on the agenda. If elected, he would make some changes to the Paycheck Protection Program.

“As President, I am going to make sure that we do this the right way, reserve half of all the new payroll protection dungs for small businesses with less than 50 employees,” he said.

Biden also said he would also add more oversight to funding distribution. He states that funds need to be spent fairly and transparently.

As ag comes into the spotlight during this pandemic, Biden says that it is about bringing the country together. He notes, “Our fates are bound together now more than ever and I think people are beginning to realize that. The only way we’re going to come through this crisis and rebuild our economy, is by ensuring we leave no one, no community behind.”

He also wants to invest in mental health support for rural America, which included Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s Suicide Prevention Hotline Bill.

President Donald Trump prioritized farmers and ranchers during his 2016 campaign and says that he will continue to do so for his 2020 reelection run.