Drought Roundtable: Cotton crop and pasture land both in need of rain

The latest drought monitor was released today and it shows drought continued to worsen across much of the west over the past week.

Reports of flash drought continued to intensify and cause problems for farmers in the Great Plains, Ozarks, and the Mississippi Valley. Short-term drought expanded across the Northeast too. Conditions improved in parts of the Southwest due to an increase in rain from the North American monsoon.

Jon Devine with Cotton Incorporated and Morgan Treadwell with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension joined RFD-TV’s own Suzanne Alexander for a roundtable to discuss conditions in their areas and how cotton and pasture land were faring.


Flying Over Drought: How conditions look different 30,000 feet in the air compared to a map

75% of Missouri is in drought

Drought Roundtable: It is an “uncertain and concerning” outlook for Texas and Kansas


Cattle producers recently promoted U.S. beef on a trip to Japan and Korea with the U.S. Meat Export Federation.
After years of drought, farmers across U.S. farm country are getting so much rainfall that it’s dampening their spring planting progress later into the season.
According to USDA experts, Brazil and Argentina’s large drop in corn production has more to do with the economics of corn markets than impacts from weather.
According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor, no part of Iowa is experiencing extreme levels of drought for the first time in nearly two years.