Elizabeth Warren reveals plan to bolster farmworkers’ rights


Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren unveiled a new plan that would give more federal safety protections to farm and food chain workers.

Warren announced the plan ahead of a visit to California, which is home to about one-third of the nation’s farmworkers, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The plan includes the commitment to fight for a $15 minimum wage for farmworkers and support for replacing the H2-A agricultural guest worker visa program.

Warren also wants to push for more heat and air quality safety standards.

“For decades, agricultural labor has been intentionally excluded from basic labor laws. ... This exclusion was justified with explicitly racist reasons, one of the many ways in which Americans of color were excluded from the opportunities that built America’s white middle class,” Warren said. ""A life as a farmworker should not be a poverty sentence, but instead a path to the middle class and a source of opportunity for their families.”