A teenage boy named Carter has gone viral after his mother shared a video of him reuniting with their dog Piper, who they thought they’d never see agin.
According to April Elizabeth Licata, the family lose their pug on Nov. 18 when she was let out to go to the bathroom and never returned. Piper was a gift to Carter for his 12th birthday.
“We posted and shared and talked to neighbors, news venues, and community groups but as the days passed, our hope waned,” April wrote.
However, after Piper had been missing for about 3 weeks the family got a call that saying Piper was at a nearby animal shelter. Because her Carter and Natalie were out of town that day, April waited to surprise them with the news their beloved pet had returned.
“It’s so amazing to see the love, and honestly the video says more than any words I could write. My son loves his dog so much, was sick while she was gone, and tonite she’s sleeping next to him again. What a Christmas miracle for our family and thank you to everyone who helped bring Piper home,” she wrote.