Drought impacts corn production around the world

Ongoing dryness is taking its toll on corn crop production in Mexico and South Africa, two other top global corn producers, as U.S. corn producers see some relief.

Drought is at its lowest level here in the United States since spring 2020. However, ongoing dryness is taking its toll on corn crop production in Mexico and South Africa, two other top global corn producers.

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Chief Economist Seth Meyer provided insight on Mexico and South Africa’s forecasts.

“Specifically this month, we talked about the fact that it’s impacting corn production in Mexico with those drought conditions. The Mexicans won’t be suppliers of white corn into the global market. We also spent some time talking about South Africa. We cut South African corn production another 1.5 million metric tons. So, that’s a million and a half metric ton cut this month, a million and a half metric tons last month. And what’s been really hot and dry conditions after a bit of a head fake there early on — where it looked like moisture was good it dried out and started to get quite hot.”
USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer

Meyer says we are already seeing the market for white corn and yellow corn food use tighten up.

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