Keep your Memorial Day cookout safe with these essential tips!

Many will be grilling in lite of Memorial Day; however, the CDC warns that millions could get sick from grilling mistakes.

Meredith Carothers, a food and safety expert with USDA’s Meat and Poultry Hotline, shares some crucial tips to ensure your cookout is safe and enjoyable.

“I would say the biggest would be not fully cooking the foods on the grill. Using the same utensil that you use to put all the raw stuff on the grill to take the cooked stuff. Certain bacteria can live on surfaces for like 72 hours so. Think about it. You’re making dinner. You’ve touched chicken. Touched your spice containers without washing your hands. And then in the morning you’re cooking eggs and you want to use the same spice in your eggs or something. And then that gets all touched to other places. So yeah, it’s just crazy what your hands can move around.”

For more food safety tips, or if you have questions, click HERE.

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