Midterm elections could impact federal farm and food policy

One expert says for many in Congress, this will be their first Farm Bill.

With the midterm elections less than one month away, analysts say there are many different scenarios that could impact federal farm and food policy. One agriculture and food services expert notes, for many in Congress, this will be their first Farm Bill.

“Just extending a Farm Bill is not easy in this environment. So, they’re going to be working very hard to get this job done. But if you look at the makeup of the House Ag Committee since the 2018 Farm Bill, and not including this election on that committee, there are 27 new members of the House Ag Committee that have never done a Farm Bill, and the Senate gets 7 new Senators, and those numbers are going to be higher. So, the question is, we have all these new faces, we have a short period of time to tell our story,” said Michael Torrey.

The upcoming midterms will determine the makeup of both Ag Committees, which means agendas could be shifted less than a year before Farm Bill 2023.

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