Producers across the nation are getting things done despite freezing temperatures

The unusually long run of sub-zero temperatures is impacting nearly every aspect of agriculture.

The Soy Transportation Coalition says that it is slowing down ag freight and shipping. A lack of natural gas is restricting production at ethanol and meat packing plants.

Large portions of Texas are still without power and water.

Via social media we can see that many of you are dealing with frozen pipes, and subsequently flooded homes. We want all of you to know that we understand how rough it has been, but you are getting things done no matter what.

That includes helping animals through this deep freeze. Full Circle Cattle Company posted a video to Facebook showing a family affair to keep a lamb warm with hair dryers.

There is also an amazing video sent to us by Horns 4 Hope from Graham, Texas. It proves not all heroes wear capes. A rancher found a calf without a mom and soon discovered her stuck in an icy pound.

He was able to pull her to safety. She was cold and probably a bit sore. They spent several hours warming her up before reuniting her with her baby.