Secretary Sonny Perdue thanks U.S. farmers for standing up to China and making trade a success

Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says that farmers made the Trump administration’s trade achievements a success.

He thanked them for their resilience and says that standing up to Beijing paid off in the end.

According to Perdue, “All of us knew that there would be some short-term pain when you put tariffs on crops.. The actual numbers show, economically, that farm income, minus government payments, has increased 33 percent over the last four years. I think a lot of times, while President Trump supported that when we were calling out China, and many people wanted to talk about the trade war going on there, we’ve been in a trade war that we didn’t realize we were in for 20 years.”

Perdue addressed the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention this week and said that farmers got caught in the middle as the U.S. fought for trade balance with China.

He also praised the administration’s work on USMCA and the trade deal with Japan, which he says will open the market to American beef.