A Sale to Remember: How a community broke a world record and hearts at the same time

A 10-year-old and a 300-pound pig made many shed a tear at the Porter County Fair 4-H Livestock Auction in Indiana.

Hudson Duttlinger’s pig won Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Gilt at the show. The pig sold for $102,000, which is $340 per pound according to Pork Business. This purchase was not unmotivated though. Hudson’s mom had been battling colon cancer and the community wanted to do something to help out.

Since that auction night, the donations have continued to roll in and the final sale price of the pig is going to be more than $120,000, making it a world record for a crossbred gilt.


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Upcoming changes to the EPA’s pesticide labeling system aim to avoid blanket use restrictions that impact all farmers and increase safety for endangered species.
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