
Congress has already approved more than $11 million for design work and $45 million for the first phase of construction, which is set to begin next month.
Experience the buzz at Wild Harvest Honey on this episode of FarmHER featuring Amber Rutledge, one of the few Honey Connoisseurs in the United States.
The Environmental Protection Agency is giving a nod to producers, reversing its stance on atrazine concentrations based on the findings of a scientific advisory panel.
The prospect of reintroducing grizzly bears in Washington’s North Cascades has ignited a contentious debate, pitting conservation efforts against the concerns of local farmers and ranchers.
As peach trees bloom ahead of schedule and unpredictable weather patterns loom, farmers across the nation find themselves grappling with the precarious risks posed to their fruit crops.
Louisiana’s crawfish industry is in turmoil as extreme weather conditions wreak havoc on what is leftover to harvest, threatening significant financial losses of around $140 million.
The Senate Subcommittee on the Environment met this week to confront the complexities of PFAS contamination and its potential impacts on agriculture.
In response to escalating consumer interest in organic foods, the USDA has launched an initiative to boost domestic production and address increasing reliance on imports.
As warmer, drier weather exacerbates wildfires, agricultural experts warn of potential nitrogen-related issues in fields that need to be managed carefully.
Beyond entitlements, protecting conservation spending is another issue causing delays for lawmakers when it comes to the Farm Bill legislation.
House lawmakers find themselves at odds over the latest wildlife conservation proposal, the America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act.
The Professional Dairy Producers just launched “Your Farm - Your Footprint,” a new, farmer-led approach to environmental stewardship in the dairy industry.
Agriculture Shows
Journey into lives of two hard-working farm families to see the risks, rewards, and funny shenanigans that take place every day. From cat-fishing and watermelon smashing and pig chasing and go-cart racing—there is never a dull moment on these family farms. We’ll also get a modern look at the newest cutting-edge farming techniques that are revolutionizing the industry and providing a greener and more sustainable way to grow.
Each week on The Farmer’s Table by Pivot Bio Originals features an honest conversation about agriculture’s biggest issues: technology, policy, labor, etc. Nothing is off-limits.
Heavy D, Diesel Dave and the crew at DieselSellerz are known for building big, bad diesel trucks. Is the team up for the challenge of building the ultimate farm truck? Follow along as the team navigates the challenges of the build while preparing to change the way people look at farm trucks. Check out this all-new show from Pivot Bio!
The idea of a legacy is crafted with future generations in mind, but the reality of one is chiseled by thousands of big and small choices made by generations gone by. If we study the past, can we find hope for the future? Can a foundation of organized agricultural democracy still be used to improve the quality of rural life? Throughout the past 100 years, the people, principles and purpose of the Montana Farm Bureau Federation have offered a resounding ‘yes’ to these questions.
RFD-TV has partnered with a handful of agricultural social media influencers whom we have dubbed The New Crop. These folks have taken to the internet to tell their stories and to raise awareness of where our food comes from and all that goes into feeding the world population.