The annual ProFarmer Crop Tour is underway across several Corn Belt states

Scouts are hitting the fields for this year’s ProFarmer Crop Tour.

The venture will have an Eastern and Western leg. Today on the Western route, scouts will leave South Dakota and make their way to Grand Island, Nebraska. To the East, they will hit the road in Dublin, Ohio, taking thousands of samples across seven Corn Belt states. They hope the tour will give them a snapshot of what yield potential is for both corn and soybean crops.

This is the 31st annual outing, and leaders say each year brings different results, but it is important to get an up-close and personal look at the fields.

“Every year is different, so you kind of come into it knowing some things about the crop, but you never really know. This is a working tour, so we actually get out and pull samples and what the crops look like from the road may not be what they are when you get out in there. I think that’ll be one of the keys this year,” said Brian Grete.

Each day the scouts will meet to compare and release those results.

Ted Seifried with Zaner Ag Hedge

Sherman Newlin with Risk Management Commodities, Inc.

Brian Grete with Pro Farmer Tour

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