Trump, Biden answer 12 questions about agriculture and rural policy from Farm Bureau


President Trump and his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, each took time to respond to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s survey on agriculture issues.

“The views of Farm Bureau members are as diverse as the food that is grown in this country, but we share the same goal of choosing leadership that will help America thrive,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “We are at a crucial time for agriculture as we navigate the challenges of a global pandemic, trade wars and depressed markets. It is important for our members to understand where the presidential candidates stand on issues important to rural America.”

In the survey, Trump focused heavily on first-term accomplishments while Biden’s answered often centered around sustainability.

The 12 questions covered the following topics:

Food System Resiliency
Farm Policy Programs
International Trade
Tax Policy
Regulatory Reform
Endangered Species Act
Clean Water
Rural Life and Health
Agricultural Labor
Sustainability and Climate Change