Survey: Equine industry contributed $177B to U.S. economy in 2023

A new survey shows the national economic impact of the equine industry last year, adding an additional $55 billion to the U.S. economy in 2023 than in 2022.

A new survey shows the national economic impact of the equine industry last year, adding an additional $55 billion to the U.S. economy in 2023 than in 2022.

The 2023 American Horse Council National Economic Impact Study shows the equine industry contributed $177 billion to the U.S. economy. That’s up from $122 billion in 2017 and includes tourism, veterinary science and agriculture.

The industry also has a substantial impact on employment with over two million jobs linked either directly or indirectly. This consists of truck drivers, journalists, breeders and of course veterinarians.

There has been a slight decline though in the total population of horses. Over six million horses are in the U.S. now compared to the over seven million reported in 2017.

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