Ag groups support the Beagle Brigade


The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association joined several ag groups in calling for the passage of a law that would build the National Detector Dog Training Center, the Beagle Brigade Act of 2022.

The pack of pups is comprised of more than 100 ag canine teams that provide screening at the border, airports, and cruise terminals. The bill would authorize special training and lay the groundwork for future hard-working pups.

Government Affairs Executive Director, Allison Rivera told DRGNews, “The Beagle Brigade is crucial for preventing foreign animal diseases, invasive species, and pests from entering the country. To continue the success of the Beagle Brigade program, we’re urging Congress to provide specific authorization for the National Detector Dog Training Center, so canine teams can continue to provide robust inspections at U.S. ports of entry.”

National Pork Producers Council President, Terry Wolters, also supports the bill, saying, “Early detection at our U.S. borders has never been more critical. Training canine teams against threats like animal disease and identifying potentially contaminated products at our nation’s ports of entry is critical to the safety of U.S. agriculture.”

Members of the Brigade have prevented the introduction of diseases like African Swine Fever, Foot and Mouth Disease, and many plant diseases that could hurt U.S. farmers and ranchers.


How Beagles are helping USDA APHIS Strengthen Bio-Security

Network of Collaboration Sniffs Out Foreign Animal Diseases at the Border

Sniffing out ASF

Story via Jody Heemstra with DRGNews.