In the Business of Cultivating Hope: John Deere’s partnership with Farm Rescue to help farmers in crisis

In the rolling fields and fertile lands of America’s Heartland, John Deere and Farm Rescue are nurturing a partnership protecting the rural way of life.

A remarkable partnership has blossomed over the years in the heartland of agriculture, one connecting vital ag equipment with the struggling farmers who need it most as the toil to ensure our nation’s food security. John Deere, a name synonymous with innovation and reliability in farming, has joined hands with Farm Rescue, an organization dedicated to assisting farm families in times of need. Together, they are sowing seeds of hope and showcasing the power of collaboration in the heart of the farming community.

A Meeting of Kindred Spirits

The significance of this partnership between the iconic tractor company and Farm Rescue extends far beyond the fields—it is rekindling a sense of community between big business and their customers to help support their rural ways of life.

“Since I started the organization, John Deere equipment has worked flawlessly for us; we couldn’t be more pleased and thankful for their support,” said Farm Rescue Founder & President Bill Gross, warmly acknowledging the ag equipment maker’s unwavering support. “They help broadcast our name across multiple states.”

Gross also emphasizes how Farm Rescue’s efforts extend beyond individual farm families. From local businesses and insurance companies to banks and dealerships, the entire rural ecosystem relies on the well-being of farm families.

“It helps continue the legacy of family farms,” Gross said.

A Day in the Fields

The partnership between John Deere and Farm Rescue also extends beyond financial support. Employees also provide hands-on involvement and offer their equipment expertise to empower the farming communities they hope to impact.

Earlier this year, John Deere Seeding Group’s Factory Materials Manager Dale Patrick volunteered alongside Bill Gross in one of Farm Rescue’s planting assistance cases.

“I’m sitting on this tractor right now, and it’s all coming together for me,” Patrick explained as he shared about the experience. “It’s wonderful to see this flawless equipment working the way it is and be able to take this message back to everybody at John Deere and our Seeding Group.”

The dedication of John Deere’s employees and their commitment to keeping equipment up-to-date ensures that Farm Rescue can continue its mission to assist farm families well into the future.

Inspired by John Deere’s efforts with Farm Rescue? For businesses that want to pitch in financial or hands-on help with Farm Rescue, click here for more information on sponsorship opportunities.

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